Digital technologies are pervasive in our everyday lives. From shopping and communicating online with our mobile phones, to working remotely or meeting with a doctor online, digital connectivity is a cornerstone of modern life across much of the world.
In this context, developing digital infrastructure and connectivity is critical to how we access online services and the quality of our connection. To guide policy decisions, the OECD provides bi-annual updates of fixed and mobile broadband data to track the evolution of these technologies and compare them across OECD member countries using a common methodology.
Over time, the evolution of the demand for quality in communication networks has resulted in the development of technologies such as fibre or 5G. The most recent developments in communications technology are highlighted in the statistical releases. The broadband statistics portal is constantly evolving, developing new indicators such as 5G subscriptions, broadband speeds in urban and rural areas, and providing access to various national broadband deployment maps.